Monday, August 22, 2011

Pasture? What's that?

After thirty years spent plowing, seeding, watering, mowing, spraying, and fertilizing, this is what I have to show for it: twenty acres of crunchy brown straw, and a series of gaping cracks in the ground that look like a scaled-down version of Palo Duro Canyon.

The cracks are so extensive, and so deep and wide, that I can no longer risk even hand walking Pookey Bear. So he is confined to quarters until it rains, which seems like it might be never.

For fun, and to help offset my feelings of impending agricultural doom, I have been playing a variation of the game we all played as little kids, where we looked up in the sky and imagined the different kinds of animals we saw in the clouds. Only I am using cracks in the ground.

Do you see a coyote in this one? I do. At least I hope it's a coyote, and not The Wolf at the Door...

Praying for rain!

Parched in Texas

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Finally Frisky!

After a long absence, I am finally bowing to pressure from the multitudes of followers out there who have been demanding a recent update on Pookey Bear.

Thanks to both of you for caring!

Pookey is doing great, as the attached video clip will attest. His recent trim at La Mesa left him very comfortable afterward, and as long as he remembers to lace up his boots before he leaves his stall, he is having no problems with our drought-hardened, rock-like blackland soil.

Hope the clip works. I am experimenting with iMovie--gee, there's a learning curve!--and just figured out how to attach sound.

Couldn't figure out how to mute my shouted instructions, however, so please ignore.

The soundtrack might not be totally synched or appropriate, but it was free. Daughter and her talented friend are available for weddings, quinceaneras and bar mitzvahs as long as the gig is within 30 miles of College Station, and pays enough to cover their gas.