Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Little Golden Book...

After three days of feeling like we were living in a Currier and Ives lithograph, welcome--The Big Thaw!

All that is left of the gorgeous snow that blanketed everything in sight are a few sad little patches of melting ice. The Corgi snowman I built sits in the middle of a large black mud pit, ears tipped forward, muzzle fallen on the ground, and back sagging.

Poor Tex.

After three days of frolicking in the snow, he is completely baffled by its disappearance.

His puzzled expression reminds me of my all-time favorite children's book, Four Puppies.

In this charming Little Golden Book, published in the sixties, author Anne Heathers chronicles the growth of four Collie puppies who spend a year exploring their world with the help of an older and wiser friendly red squirrel. Thanks to Lilian Obligado's beguiling illustrations, I still read this book at least once each year, usually in the winter, when the nasty weather is getting me down.

Look at these precious puppies mourning the loss of the snow, and trying to pat that snowman back together, and you can see why I sympathize with Tex!

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