Monday, June 14, 2010

I 'heart' Merial

Yesterday we passed the one-week mark since Pookey first foundered. He seemed to pass a comfortable night, spending most of the evening hours slumbering peacefully on his side, but this morning he had a hard time getting up, and was very much in need of his pain meds.

After a morning dose of Banamine, we will be switching over this evening to firocoxib, in an effort to protect his sensitive gut and to keep the pain somewhat under control.

Pookey has tried the Equioxx once before for osteoarthritis, as he has never been able to tolerate Bute. The drug did seem to agree with him, so we are crossing our fingers and hoping that it will once again prove efficacious and free from side effects.

Of course, between the Equioxx and the GastroGard, which he has been receiving daily to try to combat the development of gastric ulcers, I am wondering why I did not have the foresight to take out a bit of Merial stock...

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