Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Come in! Stay out! Come in!

I love this sign, which stands just outside the arena complex in Lufkin, Texas.

Come in!

Stay out!

Come in!

Talk about mixed messages!

Thankfully Pookey Bear is sending us some clearer, more consistent signs that he is feeling better this morning after a difficult day yesterday.

This morning, he is standing up, eating and drinking, moving around his stall a bit and putting his ears forward when we come into the barn. His respiratory rate has returned to normal, and his stools have switched from 'cow patty' to 'formed.'

(Don't worry, girls-- Al Gore had not yet invented the internet when you girls were born, so Mom didn't have a blog where she could talk about your bodily functions!)

The NSAIDs we gave him yesterday evening appear to have 'kicked in' and helped him feel much better. Hopefully his signs will continue to improve today and tomorrow, and we can shoot some footage of him this weekend walking around in his new shoes!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ugh, Mom! Do you think that Pookey would want you to tell the world that his fecal matter was akin to a "cow patty"? I don't think so.

    SO happy he is doing better!
