Friday, September 23, 2011

Just a quick update to let you know Pookey Bear is well.

He is moving nicely and is only a tad uncomfortable when at rest. His new trim looks great!

His nursemaid, on the other hand, is not doing so well.

The photo above? Nota bene: that middle board is the central beam that runs down the middle of our house, the two side boards are the rafters that tie into it, or should I say, 'tied' into it, as in 'past tense.'

The record drought has wreaked havoc with our house as well as with our hay budget, resulting in (as you see above) the skeleton of the house coming undone.

Ignore the spider. He is the least of my worries.

Also, I have been forced into a computer 'fast' because hubby has decided that excessive computer use has caused me to have some visual/cognitive/concentration problems, resulting in my 'bumping into' one of our cars with another one of our cars...several times...

So I am limited to fifteen minutes a day, except for those tasks that theoretically I can perform without looking at the screen, like typing.

Have you ever tried typing without looking at the screen?

You wind up sending out some really funny e-mails! Don't ask me how I know!

So yesterday, in an attempt to focus on a 'bricks and mortar' type task to improve my concentration, and to save a few bucks, I decided to make my own laundry detergent.

Unfortunately, the recipe did not mention that the primary ingredients--washing soda and Borax--will scrape the surface right off of a $229 saucepan.

Who'd da thunk it?

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